A glorious just-under-a-week in Norfolk. Can't-believe-it's-April hot hot heat. The sun, constant, bright. Gardening in a bikini, bare feet. Tadpoles in the pond, water level dropping ever lower as the rain failed to come. Lilacs blooming, heavily scented, lily of the valley too. Meals outdoors, and a barbecue. Asparagus, freshly cut, some spears long and spindly, some short and thick, tasting delicious, my favourite vegetable. Hot cross buns, home baked, less soft than shop bought, less sweet, still tasty, eaten in the sunshine at breakfast on Easter Sunday. A fruit fly invasion because apparently the swallows are late, dead flies littering the floor (it isn't
all sunshine and roses). Dandelions on the lawn sprouting flowers almost as fast as we could pick them to prevent the heavily seeded clocks. Skye
Gyngell's potato salad, creme
fraiche coated, herb flecked, dusted with tiny pale purple rosemary flowers, my addition. Violets and forget-me-
nots carpeted under the fruit trees. M arriving on the train from London, bearing
Rococo hand painted Easter eggs and praline filled hens eggs. Recently hatched chicks at
O's house, tiny, noisy, hearts fluttering against out hands as we held them. Bees in his garden, apple blossom.
Mojitos made by M packed with the mint which is already growing prolifically between the paving stones.
Coming back to London on Monday, shoulders brown, bag full of asparagus and the first of the roses nestled in damp kitchen roll, legs scratched from digging up thistles in the soon-to-be potato bed. A run in Regent's Park as the sun lowered, good to be running after two weeks of very little exercise (
I feel the same). Dinner of pasta, asparagus, olive oil, lemon zest, Parmesan - stretching out the holiday feeling out to its final moments.
Work on Tuesday, feeling glum, skies clouded over to match my mood. It isn't that I dislike my job, indeed it is a perfectly acceptable way to pass the time, but given a choice between discovering hidden cocktail bars in the back streets of NYC, lazing on a daisy scattered Norfolk lawn or sitting behind a computer in an artificially lit office, I would definitely plump for either of the former, no question.