Sunday, 31 January 2010
Night at the museum
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
These past few days
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Wet Saturday, bright Sunday
An aside
Home Sweet Home
The two brown chairs are a recent addition, my parents bought them from the local auction house in Norfolk and re-upholstered them, I claimed them over the Christmas holidays as they were sitting unused in a room full of boxes. The side table and the coffee table are also both from the same auction house (Gazes in Diss if anyone is wondering). The crocheted blanket on the sofa is not my own creation sadly, but bought in a charity shop for about a fiver. Most of the cushions are homemade from fabric remnants, the union jack one was made using a pillowcase and a printed tea-towel for the London-themed party we had last autumn. And there is even a cushion with a squirrel that I cross-stitched myself (see below). You can just spy the constantly flowering geraniums in the window boxes too. The black telephone is something we had at home when I was younger, and still works even though I don't have a landline at the moment. Thinking of getting reconnected though, purely because the telephone sounds so fantastic when it rings!
Built-in bookcases, which are lovely, but wish there were more as there are so many of my books still at my parents home that I just don't have room for. The top shelf is full of my vintage champagne and Babycham glasses, and the bottom shelf has the glass punchbowl that was a present from my sister (also bought at the auction) and another recent acquisition, a lamp with a china base that Mum found in Oxfam (close up below). It was lacking a shade, but I found one in the John Lewis sale that wasn't too expensive. The Klimt prints on the wall Dad gave me.
The Martini mirror was bought in a charity shop, as was the glass container holding the cotton wool. The silk tulips were a gift from Mum from a trip to France.
Teeny tiny room, but I have brightened it up with images from old 1950s adverts. My collection of Ladybird books also lives here, so one can improve one's knowledge whilst sitting on the loo if you happen to feel that way inclined!
So, that's my flat, hope you like it! If you want to join in, please do so, just stick a link in a comment on Hannah's original post.
Photos taken by both M and I.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
The year to come
Inspired by all the lists of resolutions / intentions / goals for 2010 that all you lovely people have been posting, and which I have loved reading, here is my contribution:
1. Use my recipe books more. I have so many and really don't use them enough, other than to drool over the photographs and descriptions. When it comes to actual cooking I tend to fall back on old favourites that I know by heart. Ideally, I would like to cook something I haven't tried before at least once a week.
2. Learn to understand the science behind my camera. I am a bit of a trial and error photographer, and despite M's best efforts to explain what is actually going on behind the lens, it continues to go in one ear and out the other. I would really like to understand what I am doing and why, for moments when there simply isn't time for either trial or error, and for when M eventually goes away to do his research and I no longer have a science-geek to explain things to me.
3. Get the sewing machine out a bit more often. It is getting very dusty, and I really do need to do something with the bits of Liberty fabric that I rather extravagantly bought in the sales two weeks ago.
4. Learn to crochet. Ray and Fay (and a friend's soon-to-be-sister-in-law who crocheted the Reddit alien for her fiance's Christmas present! Totally amazing!) have inspired me.
5. Grow more fruit / veg. / salad in what little outdoor space that I have.
6. Go on more day trips to places that are within 2 hours train ride from London to explore charity shops and tea rooms and National Trust properties. Possibly when the weather is not so glacial.
7. Floss more.
Think that's enough for now, all sorts of other things swimming round my head but I'll keep it simple for the time being. Hope all yours are going well so far!
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Not the most romantic present
Colleague 1: Ooo, so what did M get you for Christmas Rebecca?
Me (enthusiastically): An extension tube for my camera.
[all colleagues look blank]
Me: Well, um, it's like a short lens thing that goes on my camera between the body of the camera and the lens itself, and it turns my lens almost into a macro lens so I can take photos of things really close up....
[blank faces remain]
Me (defensively): It's really cool, it means I'm able to take all sorts of photos I wanted to take before but couldn't.
Colleague 2: Sounds lovely.